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Neuropsychiatric Involvement of Behcets Disease Dec, Soyak, M., 2017

Reversible Cognitive Decline Diagnosed on Ear Examination
BMJ 352:e1215, Ellis, R.J.B.,et al, 2016

Amyloid Beta-Related Angiitis - A Case Report and Comprehensive Review of Literature of 94 Cases
Semin Arthritis Rheum 44:86-92, Danve, A.,et al, 2014

Gradient Echo T2*-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Revealing Cerebral Microbleeds in a Patient with Microscopic Polyangiitis Complicated by Cerebrovascular Disease
J Stroke Cerebrovas Dis 21:904.e7-904.e9, Yamashiro, K.,et al, 2012

Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Related Inflammation: Three Case Reports and a Review
JNNP 82:20-26, Chung,K.K.,et al, 2011

Intraventricular Hemorrhage
UpToDate, Sept, Cucchiara B.L. and Pacelli, J.P., 2011

Streptococcus Pneumoniae Meningoencephalitis with Unusual and Widespread White Matter Lesions
Eur J Paediatr Neurol 12:127-132, Jorens P.G.,et al, 2008

Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis with Prominent Leptomeningeal Enhancement
Arthritis Rheum:58:595-603, Salvarani, C.,et al, 2008

Analysis of Central Nervous System Vasculitis with Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Mapping of the Normal-Appearing Brain
AJNR 28:933-937, White,M.L.,et al, 2007

A Young Man with Rapidly Progressive Multifocal Disease Affecting the White matter
Pract Neurol 7:172-181, Hilton-Jones,D.,et al, 2007

Meningoencephalitis caused by Streptococcus Pneumoniae: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge
Neurorad 47:758-764, Jorens, P.G.,et al, 2005

Angiography-Negative Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis in Children
Arthritis Rheum 52:2159-2167, Benseler, S.M.,et al, 2005

Diffusion-Weighted MR Findings in Isolated Angilitis of the Central Nervous System (IACNS)
Acta Neurol Scand 108:346-351, Lee, S.-Y.,et al, 2003

Angiotropic Large Cell Lymphoma with Imaging Characteristics of CNS Vasculitis
AJNR 23:239-242, Song,D.K.,et al, 2002

CNS Involvement in Neuro-Behcet Syndrome:An MR Study
AJNR 20:1015-1024, Kocer,N.,et al, 1999

Neurological Manifestations of Chronic Hepatitis C
J Neurol 246:486-491, Heckmann, J.G.,et al, 1999

Acute Leukoencephalopathies:Differential Diagnosis and Investigation
The Neurologist 4:148-166, Weinshenker,B.G.,et al, 1998

Idiopathic Granulomatous Angiitis of the CNS Manifesting as Diffuse White Matter Disease
Neurol 49:1696-1699, Finelli,P.F.,et al, 1997

Serial Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Isolated Angiitis of the Central Nervous System
Neurol 45:1462-1465, Ehsan,T.,et al, 1995

Granulomatous Angiitis of the Central Nervous System:Protean Manifestations and Response to Treatment
JNNP 51:1126-1133, Koo,E.H.&Massey,E.W., 1988

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